Group Meeting Seven
Discussion Questions:
1. On pages 169–172, Justin shares the story of his Dunkin’ Meltdown. Have you ever experienced a time when life overwhelmed you? What happened?
2. Our culture teaches us that you exist to produce. On pages 173–174, Justin calls this The Scoreboard. We often learn the lie early in life that your value is connected to your performance. Many times, we bring this way of thinking into our relationship with God. Where has your life been controlled or influenced by The Scoreboard?
3. On page 181, Justin reflects on Matthew 11:28–30 and the imagery of a yoke. As you reflect on that passage of Scripture, what do you think Jesus is saying to you?
4. Do you practice a weekly Sabbath routine? What does that look like in your life? How did chapter 8 in Bury Your Ordinary sharpen or challenge your routine?
5. On pages 184–186, Justin outlines three critical practices that should be included in your weekly Sabbath routine: pause, pray, and play. How do you currently include these practices? What could you add to your Sabbath to become more intentional in these practices?
6. What holds you back from making the Sabbath a priority in your life? What will you change considering your study of the Sabbath?