Group Meeting Two
Based on Chapter 3
Those who find God find time.
Discussion Questions:
1. On pages 55–58, Justin unpacks the idea of hurry sickness. Where do you see this tendency in your life?
2. For many Christians, spending time alone with God every day is not a new idea. Explain your typical routine. What helps you connect with God?
3. Habit 1 is to spend the first hour of your morning alone with God. What would you need to change in your routine to practice this habit? What is most intimidating to you about setting aside one hour every morning to meet with God?
4. On pages 72–74, Justin outlines three ways to SOW the Bible in your heart: systematic reading, one-topic study, and waiting and repeating. What stood out to you in this section? Have you tried these three approaches? What seems to work best for you? What haven’t you tried?
5. On pages 74–76, Justin outlines three ways to DIG deep in prayer: demonstrate your love, intercession and requests, and godly confessions. Share one way you want to grow in prayer. What will you add to your prayer routine?
6. God meets us at our level of expectation. What can you do this week to increase your expectation to hear from God and experience God?