Group Meeting One

Based on Chapters 1 and 2.

True greatness does not begin with accomplishment; it begins with relationship. People usually change their behavior only after the story of what they believe has been rewritten.

Discussion Questions:

1. Take a few minutes to make sure everyone is acquainted in your group. Then, go around, share your name and one thing you love to do.

2. On pages 19–21 of Bury Your Ordinary, Justin gives a few examples of Christians who have slipped into a mundane spirituality. Do you see any of those patterns in your life? Can you think of a time when you were more focused or alive spiritually? What was that like?

3. On a scale of 1–10, how would you describe your relationship with God? (One being nonexistent and ten being vibrant and alive every moment.) Why did you choose that number?

4. On page 32, Justin talks about the statue of Atlas near his childhood home. Atlas was straining under the pressure of holding up the world.
Where have you felt like Atlas in your life? Do you see yourself as someone pleasing to God? Why, or why not?

5. In the book Atomic Habits, James Clear writes about the three layers of personal change. Lasting change happens when there is a profound change of identity. How has the gospel changed your identity? How do you see yourself differently because of Jesus?

6. Close your meeting with a time of prayer. Share one prayer request with the group, and end your meeting by praying for each other.