Group Meeting Four
Based on chapter 5
God wants to speak to you and guide you through life.
Discussion Questions:
1. Begin your meeting today by reflecting on the application from the previous meeting. Did you step out and talk to someone about Jesus? What happened?
2. Habit 3 teaches us to obey the daily promptings of the Holy Spirit. Hearing from God can sometimes feel overwhelming and unclear. On pages 106–109, Justin writes about some of the mistakes people make when hearing from God. Explain your experience. What have you learned? What has been difficult?
3. On pages 111–112, Justin describes four tests to discern God’s will. What was most helpful to you about these four tests? Can you think
of a time when God’s will was unclear to you? What did you do? What would you do differently now?
4. In Acts 9, we learn the story of Ananias (see also pages 113–118 in BYO). What stood out to you about his story? What challenged you?
5. To follow the daily prompting of the Holy Spirit, we must develop an EAR to hear God. This means we must expect God to speak, ask God to speak, and revere God in our hearts. What could you do to strengthen your spiritual hearing?
6. Break up into groups of two (men with men and women with women). Pray for one another, asking the Holy Spirit to prompt your heart with a scripture to encourage the person you’re praying with. Take time to listen for God’s inner prompting. If you sense God impressing a specific scripture on your heart, share it with the other person.